
徳川時代、江戸城内に入御した御神輿を、三代将軍家光公以来、歴代の将軍が上覧拝礼する「天下祭」 として盛大をきわめました。 江戸時代の数多くのお祭りの中で、山王祭が最も多く江戸城内入御が許されました。

The First MIYA (Phoenix Float)
The First MIYA (Phoenix Float)
The main deity of the HIE JINJA “Oyamakui-no-kami”(enshrined in the main building) is gotten on this phoenix float.
The Second MIYA (Phoenix Float)
The Second MIYA (Phoenix Float)
相殿神である伊奘冉神 国常立神 足仲彦尊をお乗せする鳳輦。
The deities enshrined in the main building with Oyamakui-no-kami “Izanami-no-kami”,“Kuninotokotachi-no-kami” and “Tarashinakatsuhiko-no-mikoto” are gotten on this phoenix floet.
The Third MIYA (Miya Float)
The Third MIYA (Miya Float)
昭和40年、麹町五丁目町会より奉納され神社収蔵の神輿となる。 昭和60年には氏子崇敬者である大和屋(大和倉庫株式会社)により改修される。 これを契機に三之宮として神幸祭の列次に加わり、今日に至っている。
This float was dedicated by “Kojimachi-5Chome-Chokai(this is a party of the parishioners of Kojimachi town 5th area,Chiyoda ward,Tokyo)”1960. Since then,this float was warehoused in our jinja. And it was repaired by “YAMATOYA(YAMATO SOUKO Co ., Ltd)” the parishoner the bliever 1980. Taking this opportunity, it was joined in the row of Jinko-sai as a third Miya up to the present days.
The KAN-KO-DORI (Fowl Float)
The KAN-KO-DORI (Fowl Float)
「諫鼓」は「いさめのつづみ」とも読む。古代中国の五帝の一人尭帝が宮廷の門外に太鼓を置き、政治に不満があれば 太鼓を打ち鳴らして欲しいと働きかけたが、善政により打つ人もなく、遂に太鼓は苔生し、上に鶏が止まっていたと いう逸話によるもので、天下泰平の象徴とされる。江戸時代、諫鼓鶏の山車は江戸山王・神田両祭礼において一番大伝馬町から曳き出され、現在も神幸祭では列の先頭に 位置している。
“KAN-KO” is read “Isame-no-tsuzumi(this means a drum of the protestation)” too.So, KAN-KO-DORI directly means “a fowl perching on the dissatisfaction drum”. By the old stories , the emperor of GYO(one of the famous five wise emperors of the ancient China) set up a big drum in float of his palace. And he said, ‘If anyone has something discontents about my politics, please beat this drum much!’. However, there was no people to beat for many years, because of his well governances.At last the drum was covered by thriving luxuriant moss. Finally one fawl was perched on this Enperor’s Drum. Therefore, the KAN-KO-DORI became a symbol of the peace reigns with satisfaction of the people over the land. In EDO ERA, this The KAN-KO-DORI float was tugged and marched around in the procession of both two biggest matsuri-festival in Edo City “Sanno-matsuri ” and “Kanda-matsuri ” as a first position float. This float was tugged from Oodenma-cho parish.The present time, this float is positioning at the head of the procession of the Jinko-sai.
The Monkey Shouldering A Sacred Staff(Doll Float)
The Monkey Shouldering A Sacred Staff(Doll Float)
江戸末期の作と考えられるこの山車人形は四谷伝馬町に伝わったもので、日枝神社氏子区域のうち永田町・隼町・ 紀尾井町・平河町・麹町・番町・九段の二十ヶ町から成る祭礼組織「糀町惣町睦会」から、同会の再興60年を 記念して平成21年に当社に奉納されたものである。
This float might be made late EDO ERA. This was handed down in Yotsuya-Denma parish. For the memorial of 60 years from the Revival of “Koujimachi-Souchou-Mutsumikai (this is a festival organization of some parishes of the Hie Jinja. The names of these parishes are NAGATACHO,HAYABUSACHO,KIOICHO,
HIRAKAWACHO,KOUJIMACHI,BANCHO,KUDAN.)”, this float was dedicated by this organization in 2009. -
The Hana Dashi(Flower Float)
The Hana Dashi(Flower Float)
元来、山王祭に出る山車は鉾山車と花山車との二つがあった。鉾山車は牛車に勾欄を設け、上に人形を飾り、 山車の周囲を錦繍で囲ったものである。一方、花山車は一夜作りにいろいろの造花を飾り、それに簡単な人形 を添えたものであった。
Originally,there were two kinds of floats. One was “The Hoko Dashi(Halbert Float)” and the other was “The Hana Dashi”. Both kinds of floats were used Sanno-matsuri festival . The Hoko Dashi was set up the noble fence, put the doll on the float and brocaded all around the float. On the other hand, The Hana Dashi was made in one night. It was decorated by some various artificial flowers and attached a simple doll.
The Bi-Shounen Dashi(Handsome Boy Float)
The Bi-Shounen Dashi(Handsome Boy Float)
昭和57年、大槻装束店により製作された。小型ながらも江戸職人工芸の伝統を生かした木工彫刻・漆塗り・錺金具などが施されている。 中でも、唐破風造りの屋根・金箔押しの枡組・八方に配された獅子の彫刻が一際目を引き、御幣を担ぐ人形は小直衣を身にまとった端正 な姿で佇む。 有楽町・新橋におけるガード下の巡行では、油圧装置による人形の昇降が見られる。
This float was made by OOTSUKI SYOZOKUTEN in 1982. Though it is smaller, it is performed by the traditional arts of EDO ERA ARTISANS using woodwork sculpture , black lacquer ware and gold metallic fittings, etc.Among them, the roof is Kara-Hafu-Zukuri(some shrines and temples in Japan use this type of roof), the basement of the roof is made by combinated square timbers covered by gold foils and the sculptures of lion are performed at every eight directions of this float.These are so much remarkable. The doll on the roof holding a sacred staff and wearing in classic traditional costume is standing decently and handsomely. At the Jinko-sai procession , when this float must pass under the viaducts of the train of the JR Yuraku-cho Sta. and the JR Shinbashi Sta., we can see the action of this statue sinking inside the roof by up-down system of oil pressure device.